LUA:Auto Spawning
From GMod Wiki
Lua: Auto Entity Spawning |
![]() | Spawn entitys automaticly on server start. |
![]() | KillerLUA |
![]() | March 12, 2010 |
Contents |
A simple way of spawning three crane frames
First, we will use init post entity to spawn the entity's the on the server start.
All of this code goes in your addons server autorun script, or a gamemodes init.lua file
We'll add the hook like this:
function SpawnProps() SpawnProp(Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), "models/mymodel.mdl") end hook.Add("InitPostEntity","SpawnTheProps",timer.Simple(1,SpawnProps))
Here, we call a function to spawn a prop with the model "models/mymodel.mdl"
Now, we need to add that function:
function SpawnProp(position, model) local ent1 = ents.Create("prop_physics") local ang = Vector(0,0,1):Angle(); ang.pitch = ang.pitch + 90; print("Prop spawned with model: " .. model) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), math.random(0,360)) ent1:SetAngles(ang) ent1:SetModel(model) local pos = position pos.z = pos.z - ent1:OBBMaxs().z ent1:SetPos( pos ) ent1:Spawn() end
Now, here's a full look of the code:
function SpawnProps() SpawnProp(Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), "models/Cranes/crane_frame.mdl") SpawnProp(Vector( -1985.34, -275867.3, 85.2 ), "models/Cranes/crane_frame.mdl") end hook.Add("InitPostEntity","SpawnTheProps",timer.Simple(1,SpawnProps)) function SpawnProp(position, model) local ent1 = ents.Create("prop_physics") local ang = Vector(0,0,1):Angle(); ang.pitch = ang.pitch + 90; print("Prop spawned with model: " .. model) ang:RotateAroundAxis(ang:Up(), math.random(0,360)) ent1:SetAngles(ang) ent1:SetModel(model) local pos = position pos.z = pos.z - ent1:OBBMaxs().z ent1:SetPos( pos ) ent1:Spawn() end
To get the position of the where you want the prop to spawn, noclip slightly under ground. With your head above the ground and type getpos into console.
You should get three numbers,
Those are the three values you use in the Vector above.