From GMod Wiki
 | Lua Experimenter: This user loves to try out new functions and (sometimes) document them! |
 | United Kingdom: This user lives in england! |
Learning Lua
Some key information about LUA is, and how's best to learn it
A growing mini-database of types
What's the differance, find out now here
Resource Distribtuion 2
How to make Resource Distrubtion based toolguns
How to make Resource Distrubtion entity that stores energy
How to make Resource Distrubtion entity that produces coolant
Part one for the Money System
Part two for the Money System
Weekly Tutorials
Other Tutorials
Allows player to toggle focus on game window, like DarkRP's F3 key
Auto spawning of props on the server start
A drop weapon console command
Something some people find hard to find
How to make a baton that forces a pay day to his/her victim. Requires DarkRP
More tutorials by me and other wiki users
Functions for Addons and Gamemodes
All DarkRP functions have been moved here.
Other Gamemodes
!I no longer document meta functions!