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Lua: Resource Distrubtion Production Entity Tutorial |
![]() | How to create resource distrubtion entity's. |
![]() | KillerLUA |
![]() | March 12, 2010 |
Contents |
In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to create a resource distrubtion entity that produces Coolant.
I haven't done a tutorial for a few days, I've been very busy doing coursework.
Setting up files
Create three new files called shared.lua, cl_init.lua and init.lua inside YourGamemode/entites/entites/rd2_coolantgen
Your done, now move onto Coding.
Create three new files called shared.lua, cl_init.lua and init.lua inside YourAddon/lua/entites/rd2_coolantgen
Your done, now move onto Coding.
Let's get cl_init over with, as it's only one line.
In your cl_init.lua file, put:
include('shared.lua') --Include to share it's functions and stuff like that
Now, we're going to work on shared.lua. We need to add the spawnable variables.
ENT.Base = "base_gmodentity" ENT.PrintName = "RD2 Production Entity" ENT.Author = "KillerLUA" ENT.Contact = "Steam: Deathtime38" --Contact ENT.Spawnable = true --Is it spawnable? ENT.AdminSpawnable = false --Is it an admin spawnable? ENT.Active = false --Don't be turned on when spawned ENT.NTog = 0
Now, we've got the client file. And the shared file, we've also made the entity spawnable by all.
As long as you don't have a spawn ent hook that disallows non-admin spawning.
Now to init.lua, first we need the function when the entity is initilized.
AddCSLuaFile( "cl_init.lua" ) AddCSLuaFile( "shared.lua" ) util.PrecacheSound( "apc_engine_start" ) util.PrecacheSound( "apc_engine_stop" ) include('shared.lua') local Ground = 1 + 0 + 2 + 8 + 32 function ENT:Initialize() self:SetModel( "models//props_wasteland/laundry_dryer002.mdl" ) --Set the model self:PhysicsInit( SOLID_VPHYSICS ) self:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ) self:SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS ) local phys = self:GetPhysicsObject() self.NextThink = CurTime() + 1 if (phys:IsValid()) then phys:Wake() end self.val1 = 0 --Will store the energy self.val2 = 0 --Store the coolant LS_RegisterEnt(self) --Register the entity RD_AddResource(self, "energy", 0) --Add the energy resource RD_AddResource(self, "coolant", 0) end
That basicly adds the input for the energy resource, as our entity requires it to produce coolant. You can remove it's requirement for energy, it will still make coolant but will be more of a cheat entity.
Now, we move on to the spawn function...
function ENT:SpawnFunction( ply, tr ) if ( !tr.Hit ) then return end local SpawnPos = tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal * 36 local ent = ents.Create( self.ClassName ) ent:SetPos( SpawnPos ) ent:Spawn() ent:Activate() return ent end
Now, we need a toggle function to turn it on and off. Also included is the remove all links and turn off function:
function ENT:Use() if (CurTime() >= self.NTog) then if (self.Active == true) then self:StopSound( "apc_engine_start" ) self:EmitSound( "apc_engine_stop" ) self.Active = false else self:EmitSound( "apc_engine_start" ) self.Active = true end self.NTog = CurTime() + 1 end end --Remove all links to it --Turn off all sounds (also emit the stop sounds) function ENT:OnRemove() Dev_Unlink_All(self.conduit) if ( self.Active == true ) then self:StopSound( "apc_engine_start" ) self:EmitSound( "apc_engine_stop" ) self.Active = false end end
Now for the really complicated function, the think function. This is how the entity thinks, this checks if we still have energy. If we do, then produce coolant, and so on.
function ENT:Think() self.val1 = RD_GetResourceAmount(self, "energy") self.val2 = RD_GetResourceAmount(self, "coolant") local ASt = "" if (self.Active == true) then ASt = "On" else ASt = "Off" end self:SetOverlayText( "RD2 Coolant Generator\n".. ASt .. "\nEnergy: " .. self.val1 .. "\nCoolant: " .. self.val2 ) if (self.Active == true) then if (self.val1 > 0) then if (self.val1 > 0) then if (self.val1 >= 100) then RD_ConsumeResource(self, "energy", 40) RD_SupplyResource(self, "coolant", 35) else RD_ConsumeResource(self, "energy", self.val1) local prod = math.Round(self.val1 - 5) RD_SupplyResource(self, "coolant", prod) end end else self:StopSound( "apc_engine_start" ) self:EmitSound( "apc_engine_stop" ) self.Active = false end end end
Allows consuming of any amount of energy and turning it into (energy - 5) coolant.
And now finally, for the duplicator functions
function ENT:PreEntityCopy() RD_BuildDupeInfo(self) end function ENT:PostEntityPaste( Player, Ent, CreatedEntities ) RD_ApplyDupeInfo(Ent, CreatedEntities) end
And that's all. Your entity, will update the overlay every half of a seccond. You should be able to spawn the entity from the spawn menu!
For the sake of the copy and pasters, here is the whole code for init.lua:
Final Code
ENT.Base = "base_gmodentity" ENT.PrintName = "RD2 Production Entity" ENT.Author = "KillerLUA" ENT.Contact = "Steam: Deathtime38" --Contact ENT.Spawnable = true --Is it spawnable? ENT.AdminSpawnable = false --Is it an admin spawnable? ENT.Active = false --Don't be turned on when spawned ENT.NTog = 0
include('shared.lua') --Include to share it's functions and stuff like that
AddCSLuaFile( "cl_init.lua" ) AddCSLuaFile( "shared.lua" ) util.PrecacheSound( "apc_engine_start" ) util.PrecacheSound( "apc_engine_stop" ) include('shared.lua') local Ground = 1 + 0 + 2 + 8 + 32 function ENT:Initialize() self:SetModel( "models//props_wasteland/laundry_dryer002.mdl" ) --Set the model self:PhysicsInit( SOLID_VPHYSICS ) self:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ) self:SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS ) local phys = self:GetPhysicsObject() self.NextThink = CurTime() + 1 if (phys:IsValid()) then phys:Wake() end self.val1 = 0 --Will store the energy self.val2 = 0 --Store the coolant LS_RegisterEnt(self) --Register the entity RD_AddResource(self, "energy", 0) --Add the energy resource RD_AddResource(self, "coolant", 0) end function ENT:SpawnFunction( ply, tr ) if ( !tr.Hit ) then return end local SpawnPos = tr.HitPos + tr.HitNormal * 36 local ent = ents.Create( "rd2_coolantgen" ) ent:SetPos( SpawnPos ) ent:Spawn() ent:Activate() return ent end function ENT:Use() if (CurTime() >= self.NTog) then if (self.Active == true) then self:StopSound( "apc_engine_start" ) self:EmitSound( "apc_engine_stop" ) self.Active = false else self:EmitSound( "apc_engine_start" ) self.Active = true end self.NTog = CurTime() + 1 end end --Remove all links to it --Turn off all sounds (also emit the stop sounds) function ENT:OnRemove() Dev_Unlink_All(self.conduit) if ( self.Active == true ) then self:StopSound( "apc_engine_start" ) self:EmitSound( "apc_engine_stop" ) self.Active = false end end function ENT:Think() self.val1 = RD_GetResourceAmount(self, "energy") self.val2 = RD_GetResourceAmount(self, "coolant") local ASt = "" if (self.Active == true) then ASt = "On" else ASt = "Off" end self:SetOverlayText( "RD2 Coolant Generator\n".. ASt .. "\nEnergy: " .. self.val1 .. "\nCoolant: " .. self.val2 ) if (self.Active == true) then if (self.val1 > 0) then if (self.val1 > 0) then if (self.val1 >= 100) then RD_ConsumeResource(self, "energy", 40) RD_SupplyResource(self, "coolant", 35) else RD_ConsumeResource(self, "energy", self.val1) local prod = math.Round(self.val1 - 5) RD_SupplyResource(self, "coolant", prod) end end else self:StopSound( "apc_engine_start" ) self:EmitSound( "apc_engine_stop" ) self.Active = false end end end function ENT:PreEntityCopy() RD_BuildDupeInfo(self) end function ENT:PostEntityPaste( Player, Ent, CreatedEntities ) RD_ApplyDupeInfo(Ent, CreatedEntities) end