Material Overlay

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Yarin Kaul Icon FilmReel48.png Post Processing EffectYarin Kaul Icon ArrowSquare32 left.png Back
Star.png Type:Post processing effect
Page white text.png Notes:- Material Overlay renders the selected material over the player's screen.


-This filter will place a material over the player's screen. It doesn't have many practical purposes.


Overlay on/off (Check Box)
Checking this box enables the Overlay effect.
Presets (Drop-Down)
A drop down listing of the saved overlay settings.
Materials (Icons)
A list of materials to overlay the player's view with. Click on one to select it.
RefractAmount (Slider)
This controls how much the overlay will be blended with the player's view.

Useful hints

-You can specify which material to use with pp_mat_overlay_texture. Materials should be relative to the "materials" directory. Note that if you specify a material which doesn't exist, your screen will be overlaid with the pink and black checkered texture. -Materials used in this effect will be stretched to fit the player's screen, so they may appear stretched due to the modified aspect ratio.

Bloom Depth of Field Motion Blur Material Overlay Color Modification Morph Sharpen Sun Beams Super DoF

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