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Narwhal has a custom networking system which is meant to lighten the load of network-heavy gamemodes. If you don't feel like using it, that's fine. Narwhal's networking doesn't do any frequent processes in the background so there's no need to worry about it bogging you down.

Note - If your gamemode works fine with the default networking in GMod or you are effectively using usermessages, there's no need to switch to Narwhal's networking.


About GMod's Networking

GMod's default networking is not bad, it's just meant to be used in moderation. In GMod, networked variables are evaluated frequently to see if they've changed. If they have changed, they are sent to the client for synchronization. When you have 50 networked variables set on each player, you are creating a recipe for disaster. Each of those variables is getting looped and checked for changes multiple times every second, and that can be taxing on the server.

About Narwhal's Networking

Narwhal's networking system is really more like glorified usermessages. Unlike GMod's networking, it synchronizes variables on the client on a per-change, and rarely on a per-request basis. This means it will only send the variables from server to client when one of two things happens:

Instead of keeping a list of variables to frequently check for change, Narwhal keeps a list of variables as a cache on the server, and sends them whenever they change. When the client receives the variable, it gets stored in a clientside cache for fetching. The client has the ability to request variables from the server, but this is not meant for frequent use.

Supported Types

Narwhal's networking supports the following data types:

However, there are some distinctions to be made.


Here's a list of functions that can be used to control Narwhal's Networking:

Sending and Fetching


Do not use the NARWHAL.SendNetworkedVariable method directly. Use the Entity methods for each individual type.


Do not use the NARWHAL.FetchNetworkedVariable method directly. Use the Entity methods for each individual type.

Network Filters

What is a Network Filter?

When sending a networked variable with Narwhal, there is an option Filter argument. These allow you to control who recieves and has permission to fetch the variable once it has been created. These do not use the RecipientFilter object. You have several options of how to define your filters.

Filter Types


Custom Network Configurations

What is a Network Configuration?

A network configuration is a set of information that defines the actions to be taken when sending and fetching an abstract datatype. Most datatypes are already defined in Narwhal for you. Stuff like strings, numbers, tables, booleans, and more have a network configuration. A good example of an abstract datatype in Garry's Mod would be Colors. Colors are just tables, but they have a specific set of values that are always interpreted the same way. You could always send a serialized table with umsg.String, but that's not very efficient. Since we know it will always hold 'r', 'g', 'b', and 'a' as specific values, we can easily send them with umsg.Char, which is much more efficient than converting a table into a string.

Chances are that the average developer will have no use for this, but sometimes a gamemode will have very specific sets of values for each player which need to be synchronized on the client frequently. Lets say every player has three values that the developer wants to send to the client frequently. The developer could put each of the values in a table with specific indexes that would be easy to separate in a usermessage. By defining a network configuration for it, the developer would only need to call one method to send all three values. Instead of sending a networked string, integer, and boolean, you could send a table that holds those three values in one networking utility. You could of course use Entity.SendNetworkedTable, but it may not be as efficient as you doing a umsg.String, umsg.Short, and umsg.Bool.


GM.LoadNetworkConfigurations is an empty function called internally to load the user's custom network configurations. To add your own network configurations, call the NARWHAL.AddValidNetworkType method from inside this function.


See NARWHAL.AddValidNetworkType for more information.

Other Networking Utilities






And that's all there is to it.

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