Effect Name
| Description
AirboatGunImpact | Makes a wooden, high-pitch "knock" sound
AirboatGunHeavyTracer | Makes a bigger version of the Pulse-rifle Tracer.
AirboatGunTracer | Similar to the Pulse-rifle Tracer, only visible from above.
AntlionGib | Yellow Blood Cloud
AR2Tracer | Self-descripting. Visible from all directions except under it
AR2Explosion | Pulse-rifle-schemed explosion.
AR2Impact | The bullet effect when you shoot at a wall with the Pulse-rifle.
BoltImpact | Spawns a non-glowing, non-moving bolt
bloodspray |
BloodImpact | Purple Blood Effect, linear
ChopperMuzzleFlash |
CrossbowLoad |
CommandPointer | A cheap imitation of the red dot on the RPG weapon. Slightly transparent. I believe
this was used in the HL2 beta for the Commander system.
cball_bounce | When the combine ball collides with a surface. Sparkles + surface effect.
cball_explode | Small Flash and lots of sparkles.
EjectBrass_9mm | Ejects a 9mm brass gib. dissapears after a while. makes sounds on collision.
EjectBrass_12Gauge | Ejects a shotgun brass gib. dssapears after a while. makes sounds on collision.
Explosion | Explosion and sound.
GlassImpact | White dust, small flying gibs of glass.
GaussTracer | Golden fading line
gunshotsplash | Water splash like when you shoot in the water + sound
GunshipTracer | 2x the size of the pulse-rifle tracer
HelicopterMegaBomb | Fire explosion.
HelicopterImpact | Plays a flesh hit sound in player's game, the AR2impact effect and a sparkles effect.
HelicopterTracer | Similar to GunshipTracer effect
ImpactJeep | based on EffectSetStart, it makes a grey cloud, rock gibs where you're standing.
ImpactGauss | Same as impactjeep
Impact | Similar to ImpactJeep, but with darker smoke
ImpactGunship | Similar to Impact, but bigger.
MuzzleEffect | Makes a muzzle flash based on EffectSetStart
ManhackSparks | A fountain of sparks
PhyscannonImpact | Didn't do anything in my test
RagdollImpact | Grey Dust like when you shoot a ragdoll at a wall
RifleShellEject | Ejects a long brass gib. dssapears after a while. makes sounds on collision.
RPGShotDown | Makes a brief flash and a metallic impact sound
StunstickImpact | White flash on surface, some sparks.
SMOKE | Makes a stream of smoke. continuous.
ShakeRopes | Didn't do anything in my test
StriderMuzzleFlash | A three pronged muzzle flash. Similar to AR2 but bigger.
StriderBlood | Yellow Blood Splash with droplets
StriderTracer | Similar to AR2 tracer
ShellEject | Ejects a big brass gib. dissapears fast. makes sounds on collision.
ShotgunShellEject | Ejects a shotgun brass gib. dissapears fast. makes sounds on collision.
Sparkle | Didn't do anything in my test
Sparks | Creates sparks, similar to the ones when metal scrapes ground.
TeslaZap | Lightning
TeslaHitBoxes | Shoots lightning around your head
Tracer | Small tracer, 9mm-like
TracerSound | Didn't do anything in my test. Probably for near-miss sounds.
ThumperDust | The Thumper Dust effect
WaterSurfaceExplosion | Makes the water splash, a water surface, and an explosion sound
watersplash | Similar as to when someone walks in water
waterripple | Creates a water ripple on a water surface when origin is near water.
WheelDust | The dust a wheel makes when it rolls.
Effect Name
| Description
balloon_pop | Effect of a balloon popping.
entity_remove | The sparks when you remove something
inflator_magic | The sparks when you inflate a ragdoll
LaserTracer | Laser shot effect usable by the turret tool.
phys_freeze | The effect when you freeze something.
phys_unfreeze | The effect when you unfreeze something.
propspawn | The prop spawn effect when you spawn a prop (use effectdata:SetEntity( yourent ) )
selection_indicator | Indicator effect used by the toolgun.
selection_ring | Ring around used the selection_indicator effect.
wheel_indicator | Indicator effect to show the direction of a wheel. (Used by the wheel toolgun.)