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Yarin Kaul Icon Tools48.png ToolYarin Kaul Icon ArrowSquare32 left.png Back
Information 16x16.png Type:Constraint tool
link={{{PAGENAME}}} Primary fire:You click the entity then click on something (or world) that is
in the direction you want the line for the slider to go.
Wrench orange.png Secondary fire:Right click an entity and it will create the slider line perpendicular to the surface you clicked.
Page white text.png Notes:Useful for elevators, sliding doors and death traps.


A slider creates a path along a straight line for an object to travel.


  1. Primary-fire at a point on an object
  2. Primary-fire at a point on an object or anywhere in the map

The resulting "rail" is a line drawn from the first point to the second point. The object can now move only along this rail.

- or -

  1. Secondary-fire at a point on an object

Using this method, the "rail" will extend outwards, perpendicular to the face of the object that was fired at, until it hits a wall or prop. The object can now move only along this rail.


Rail Type
Determines what the rail looks like.
Rail Width
Determines how wide the rail looks.
Force Limit
Determines how much force the rail can take before it breaks.

Useful hints

Axis Ball Socket Adv. Ball Socket Easy Ball Socket Elastic Hydraulic Keep Upright Motor Muscle Nail Pulley Rope Slider Weld Easy Weld Winch

Personal tools