From GMod Wiki
Function |
Syntax |
surface.DrawPoly( Table vertex data structure ) Where is this used? |
Description: |
Draws a textured polygon by drawing each vertex specified within the table, then filling in the area. |
Returns: |
nil |
Part of Library: |
surface |
Realm: |
![NewerClient.png](images/9/90/NewerClient.png) |
BBCode Link: |
[b][url=]Surface.DrawPoly [img][/img][/url][/b] |
Description | This will draw a right triangle on the center of the HUD. |
Used on | ![NewerClient.png](images/9/90/NewerClient.png) |
Code |
triangletex = surface.GetTextureID( PICK A TEXTURE PATH ) -- this is our triangles texture, try to find your own
centerx = ScrW()/2 --this is the middle x cordinate
centery = ScrH()/2 --this is the middle y cordinate
trianglevertex = {{ },{ },{ }} --create the two dimensional table
--First Vertex
trianglevertex[1]["x"] = centerx
trianglevertex[1]["y"] = centery
trianglevertex[1]["u"] = 0 //Top Left
trianglevertex[1]["v"] = 0
--Second Vertex
trianglevertex[2]["x"] = centerx + 50
trianglevertex[2]["y"] = centery
trianglevertex[2]["u"] = 1 //Top Right
trianglevertex[2]["v"] = 0
--Third Vertex
trianglevertex[3]["x"] = centerx
trianglevertex[3]["y"] = centery + 50
trianglevertex[3]["u"] = 0 //Bottom Left
trianglevertex[3]["v"] = 1
local function HUDPaint()
surface.SetTexture( triangletex ) --set the texture of the triangle
surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) --set the additive color
surface.DrawPoly( trianglevertex ) --draw the triangle with our triangle table
hook.Add("HUDPaint","Draw Triangle", HUDPaint)
Output | N/A |
Description | This will generate a polygon ready to draw. |
Used on | ![NewerClient.png](images/9/90/NewerClient.png) |
Code |
local sin,cos,rad = math.sin,math.cos,math.rad; --Only needed when you constantly calculate a new polygon, it slightly increases the speed.
function GeneratePoly(x,y,radius,quality)
local circle = {};
local tmp = 0;
for i=1,quality do
tmp = rad(i*360)/quality
circle[i] = {x = x + cos(tmp)*radius,y = y + sin(tmp)*radius};
return circle;
Output | N/A |
Description | This will generate a polygon ready to draw, with uv mapping. |
Used on | ![NewerClient.png](images/9/90/NewerClient.png) |
Code |
local sin,cos,rad = math.sin,math.cos,math.rad
local function GeneratePoly(x,y,radius,quality)
local circle = {};
local tmp = 0;
local s,c;
for i=1,quality do
tmp = rad(i*360)/quality;
s = sin(tmp);
c = cos(tmp);
circle[i] = {x = x + c*radius,y = y + s*radius,u = (c+1)/2,v = (s+1)/2};
return circle;
Output | N/A |
Additional Notes
The U and V components are used to control how the texture is rendered on the polygon. EG Setting U,V to 0,0 will have the texture top left corner drawn at that vertex.
For most situations you should use the UV coordinates (0,0) (0,1) (1,1) (1,0) for top-left, top-right, bottom right and bottom left coordinates, respectively.
Using values larger than 1 will repeat the texture, values less than 1 for parts of the texture.
If you are not using a texture you can leave them blank
- Vertex Data Structure: The table structure for this function is a two-dimensional table,
table ={
[vertex number] = { you may have any number of vertices
x= x position of vertex
y= y position of vertex
u= horizontal texture cordinate
v= vertical texture cordinate
- You can have a maximum amount of 256 vertices.
- If you aren't using a texture, then you should call surface.SetTexture() before you use this. If this function appears to be not working, this might be why.
- The polygon MUST be convex for it to work properly.