How to make a simple autoshoot

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Lua: How to make a simple autoshoot
Page white text.png Description:Article on how to make a simple autoshoot.
link=User:Assault_Trooper Original Author:Assault_Trooper
Calendar.png Created:October 24th 2010


I will teach you in this article on how to make a simple autoshoot, or known by other name triggerbot.

Coding the triggerbot

First, you will have to create the hook for it.

hook.Add( "Think", "TriggerBot", function()
end )

Now we have the hook for it, but I think we'll need something more also. Lets start by getting the entity, that the player is aiming at.

hook.Add( "Think", "TriggerBot", function()
    local Target = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity // Now we have the entity the player is aiming at.
    // Check if the players weapon is valid and is he alive.
    if LocalPlayer():Alive() and LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() then 
    // This part would be running everytime you aim at a valid entity.
end )

As you can see, we're now getting that the players aimed entity is valid, and our weapon is valid. Now we must check is the target a player or a npc, we dont want to keep shooting on every damn prop do we?

hook.Add( "Think", "TriggerBot", function()
    local Target = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity
    if LocalPlayer():Alive() and LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() and ( Target:IsPlayer() or Target:IsNPC() ) then // This is an important part, now we're checking is the target a player or a npc.
        if !Firing then // If we aren't firing
            RunConsoleCommand( "+attack" ) // Then fire
            LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().SetNextPrimaryFire( LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon() ) // We need it to stop and start shooting, luckily weapons have delay already coded.
            Firing = true // Now we are firing
        else // If we are already firing
            RunConsoleCommand( "-attack" ) // Stop firing
            Firing = false // We're not anymore firing
end )

Optional functions

You might want to toggle the autoshoot, I'll teach you how to do it. First, create a ConVar.

local TriggerBot = CreateClientConVar( "triggerbot_enabled", 0, true, false )

Add it to the top like shown below. And then make the switch on the entity check.

local TriggerBot = CreateClientConVar( "triggerbot_enabled", 0, true, false )
hook.Add( "Think", "Triggerbot", function()
    local Target = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity
    if TriggerBot:GetInt() == 1 and LocalPlayer():Alive() and LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() and ( Target:IsPlayer() or Target:IsNPC() ) then
        if !Firing then
            RunConsoleCommand( "+attack" )
            LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().SetNextPrimaryFire( LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon() )
            Firing = true
            RunConsoleCommand( "-attack" ) 
            Firing = false
end )

And now you have an toggleable triggerbot!

And here ends this article, hope you learned something about triggerbots.

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