Talk:Basic Lua

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Revision as of 23:39, 3 December 2011 by BWTM BACK Tunnel (Talk | contribs)
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Do conditional expressions use 1 and 0 like in C/C++ or do they use actual boolean values like in java? I'm assuming 1/0 because that's easier to implement. In any case you should add that to the Conditionals subject. --Garthex 23:20, 2 December 2006 (GMT Standard Time)

It's late and I can't understand what you said, but iirc it's boolean.--Morpheous 23:22, 2 December 2006 (GMT Standard Time)
I don't know about the internals of Lua, so the C code for it might be using a basic #define for true and false, but as far as Lua is concerned, conditionals see false and nil as false and everything else as true. Yes, 0 and "0" both are seen as true. From a pedantic perspective, Lua has a true boolean type, but from a practical perspective, Lua is dynamically typed and thus it's easy to coerce something into a boolean. Tychon 15:32, 4 December 2006 (GMT Standard Time)

I noticed that where else should be appropriately placed isn't on this page. This might confuse some of the newbs, so could someone change this?--Bawb 23:17, 21 April 2008 (GMT-6)

Started Cleanup

So I started cleaning up this page, hopefully its better and not worse. Cleaned up Variables and Functions and added Scopes. Right now, I have to go to bed and have school in the morning other wise I'd still be working on it. I have never used Lua specifically, but its not much different from the other languages I use, even then, please still check my Lua code and correct me.

Cirdan 07:38, 15 December 2006 (GMT Standard Time)


Seems like this should be incorporated with the Lua Tutorial Series, should it not? Having both the tutorial series and this seems redundant. I will look into adding the "merge to" and/or "merge from" Wikipedia templates to possibly address this.

The merging is a good idea. I've been meaning to do a complete overhaul of the lua tutorial but never got very far. --Crazy Quebecer 15:46, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
i think we there should just be a link to this page on the lua tutorial series page. --Tunnel Saturday dec 03 2011
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