Simple Molotov Cocktail

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A simple Molotov cocktail, but effective and fun to use.

You will need

• Garry's bombs 3

• Wiremod

Step 1

Spawn one of the gbombs. (Gasoline is recommended, or else you could call it hand grenade).

Step 2

Then put a simple wired explosive on gasoline (I recommend the flat bomb since it is magnetic) and set the trigger value to the time you want it to explode (The value you choose will be the same amount of time in seconds).

Step 3

Put a "Timer" (Gate/Time), a "Round" (Gate/Arithmetic) and a button (On value = 1, Off Value = 0, Toggle on) on the explosive/gbomb. (I recommend mini-chips since it doesn't take much room).

Step 4

Wire "Run" from the Timer to the Button, wire "A" from the Rounder to the Timer and wire "Detonate" from the wired explosive to the Rounder.

Step 5

If you've done this right, you have a fully working, simple, molotov cocktail/hand grenade. For safety, weld everything together and then you can turn it on, throw it with your gravity gun. BOOM!

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