Dedicated Server

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Dedicated servers are computers set up for the specific purpose of executing a task (in this case, running a Garry's Mod server). This dedicated setup allows for optimal performance from the hardware, since the hardware isn't running things a client might (internet browser, music player, etc.) along side their Garry's Mod game, as well as (usually) being located in data centers designed to handle and provide the requisite bandwidth necessary to run a server. They are usually built with superior hardware and configured specifically to run their specified task well. Many commercial "Game Service Providers" (GSP's) offer a "partially" dedicated server, in that one set of hardware may specifically run several Garry's Mod server instances.


Steam Users SRCDS Forum- The steam users' forums for discussion of SRCDS- the Source Dedicated Server.

See Also

Dedicated Server Setup- A guide to setting up a Garry's Mod dedicated server.

Garry's Mod Server Providers- a list of Game Server Providers for Garry's Mod.

Listen Server- A server instance running along side a client instance.

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