Expression 2 - 3D Holograms

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Revision as of 12:27, 16 November 2011 by [RV] TJjokerR (Talk | contribs)
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Last Edit was made on 11/16/2011

This is a simple tutorial on how to make Wire Holograms.

First off, if your new to Expression 2, this is one of the simpler things to learn.

Here is what you want to start off with.


holoCrate(1) #creates the holo

holoScale(1,vec(1,1,1)) #Scale it if - it will add the "effect", the effect being with the Minus sign(-)
# it allows you to see in but not out  and  the Plus sign(+) Is the opposite.  so the code would be holoScale(1,vec(-1,1,1)) 

holoColor(1,vec(0,0,255)) #color it

holoParent(1,entity()) #parent it

holoModel(1,"Cube") #models:
















And if you want to add an extra holo in this code, just do this:

holoCreate(2) if you make it holoCreate(1) it will just edit the first one.

Note, that the # mean's it wont do anything to the code, so use them when your testing your E2 and you don't

want the original code gone and forgotten.

I hope this helps you with your present,future, and past Expression 2's! Thank you Wiremod Team for this

epic mod.

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