From GMod Wiki
Here is the source code for the DTextEntry VGUI element. Reading through this will help you to understand how DTextEntry functions are called, as help pages alone may not explain how they interact with each other.
/* _ ( ) _| | __ _ __ ___ ___ _ _ /'_` | /'__`\( '__)/' _ ` _ `\ /'_` ) ( (_| |( ___/| | | ( ) ( ) |( (_| | `\__,_)`\____)(_) (_) (_) (_)`\__,_) DTextEntry In Engine Commands: self:SetMultiline( bool ) self:IsMultiline() */ PANEL = {} local strAllowedNumericCharacters = "1234567890.-" AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_bAllowEnter", "EnterAllowed" ) AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_bUpdateOnType", "UpdateOnType" ) // Update the convar as we type AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_bNumeric", "Numeric" ) AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_bBorder", "DrawBorder" ) AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_bBackground", "DrawBackground" ) AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_colText", "TextColor" ) AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_colHighlight", "HighlightColor" ) AccessorFunc( PANEL, "m_colCursor", "CursorColor" ) Derma_Install_Convar_Functions( PANEL ) /*--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:Init() // // We're going to draw these ourselves in // the skin system - so disable them here. // This will leave it only drawing text. // self:SetPaintBorderEnabled( false ) self:SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ) // // These are Lua side commands // Defined above using AccessorFunc // self:SetDrawBorder( true ) self:SetDrawBackground( true ) self:SetEnterAllowed( true ) self:SetUpdateOnType( false ) self:SetNumeric( false ) // Nicer default height self:SetTall( 20 ) // Clear keyboard focus when we click away self.m_bLoseFocusOnClickAway = true // Beam Me Up Scotty self:SetCursor( "beam" ) // Apply scheme settings now, allow the user to override them later. derma.SkinHook( "Scheme", "TextEntry", self ) end /*--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:OnKeyCodeTyped( code ) if ( code == KEY_ENTER && !self:IsMultiline() && self:GetEnterAllowed() ) then self:FocusNext() self:OnEnter() end end /*--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:CreateUnEditableLabel( code ) if ( code == KEY_ENTER && !self:IsMultiline() && self:GetEnterAllowed() ) then self:FocusNext() self:OnEnter() end end /*--------------------------------------------------------- OnTextChanged ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:OnTextChanged() if ( self:GetUpdateOnType() ) then self:UpdateConvarValue() end end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Think ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:Think() self:ConVarStringThink() end /*--------------------------------------------------------- OnEnter ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:OnEnter() // For override self:UpdateConvarValue() end /*--------------------------------------------------------- UpdateConvarValue ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:UpdateConvarValue() // This only kicks into action if this variable has // a ConVar associated with it. self:ConVarChanged( self:GetValue() ) end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Paint ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:Paint() derma.SkinHook( "Paint", "TextEntry", self ) return false end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Name: PerformLayout ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:PerformLayout() derma.SkinHook( "Layout", "TextEntry", self ) end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Name: SetValue ( A simple redirect for the ConVar stuff ) ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:SetValue( strValue ) local CaretPos = self:GetCaretPos() self:SetText( strValue ) self:OnValueChange( strValue ) self:SetCaretPos( CaretPos ) end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Name: For Override ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:OnValueChange( strValue ) end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Name: CheckNumeric ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:CheckNumeric( strValue ) // Not purely numeric, don't run the check if ( !self:GetNumeric() ) then return false end // God I hope numbers look the same in every language if ( !string.find ( strAllowedNumericCharacters, strValue ) ) then // Noisy Error? return true end return false end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Name: AllowInput ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:AllowInput( strValue ) // This is layed out like this so you can easily override and // either keep or remove this numeric check. if ( self:CheckNumeric( strValue ) ) then return true end end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Name: SetEditable ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:SetEditable( b ) self:SetKeyboardInputEnabled( b ) self:SetMouseInputEnabled( b ) end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Name: OnGetFocus ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:OnGetFocus() // // These hooks are here for the sake of things like the spawn menu // which don't have key focus until you click on one of the text areas. // // If you make a control for the spawnmenu that requires keyboard input // You should have these 3 functions in your panel, so it can handle it. // hook.Call( "OnTextEntryGetFocus", nil, self ) end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Name: OnLoseFocus ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:OnLoseFocus() self:UpdateConvarValue() hook.Call( "OnTextEntryLoseFocus", nil, self ) end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Name: OnMousePressed ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:OnMousePressed( mcode ) self:OnGetFocus() end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Name: GenerateExample ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function PANEL:GenerateExample( ClassName, PropertySheet, Width, Height ) local ctrl = vgui.Create( ClassName ) ctrl:SetText( "Edit Me!" ) ctrl:SetWide( 150 ) ctrl.OnEnter = function( self ) Derma_Message( "You Typed: "..self:GetValue() ) end PropertySheet:AddSheet( ClassName, ctrl, nil, true, true ) end derma.DefineControl( "DTextEntry", "A simple TextEntry control", PANEL, "TextEntry" ) /*--------------------------------------------------------- Clear the focus when we click away from us.. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function TextEntryLoseFocus( panel, mcode ) local pnl = vgui.GetKeyboardFocus() if ( !pnl ) then return end if ( pnl == panel ) then return end if ( !pnl.m_bLoseFocusOnClickAway ) then return end pnl:FocusNext() end hook.Add( "VGUIMousePressed", "TextEntryLoseFocus", TextEntryLoseFocus )