Simple Plug Lamp

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This tutorial will teach you how to make a wired plug lamp.

Building the lamp

You will need:


PHX (Optional)

SmartSnap (Optional)


1. Spawn a PHX plate or other prop you would like to use. (I suggest 1X1)

2. Weld the plate sideways to the ground.

3. Spawn a PHX 1X2 plate or other prop you would like to use.

4. Weld it sideways to the ground as you did with the 1X1 plate.

5. Go to the Wire tab and choose the Plug.

6. Place the socket to the 1X1 plate and the plug to the socket.

7. Choose the Lamp or Light tool (No matter wich one)

8. Place the lamp or light to the 1X2 plate.

9. Choose the Constant Value

10. Make the Constant Values values as: 1 Value, Value 1: 1

11. Place the Constant Value next to the socket.

12. OPTIONAL: Make a rope connecting the Plugs end near the lamp or light.


1. Wire the Socket A to the Constant Value.

2. Wire the Lamp On to the Plug A

3. You are finished!

Finished Plug Lamp.jpg

This is what the finished plug lamp should look like.


Attach the plug to the socket. Does the light/lamp switch on? If it does, congratulations! You made your own plug lamp! If not, see if the wiring is correct.


You can make lights and lamps to be toggled on/off if the lamps plug is connected to a socket! Just like a real lamp! You can also toggle is the socket even giving 'electricity'!

Making a toggleable lamp/light


1. Repeat all the steps to build the lamp frame and plugs.

2. Choose the wire Button

3. Buttons values: Value On = 1, Value Off = 2

3. Place the button to the lamp frame.

4. Choose the Gate-Comparison-Equal

5. Place it near the button.


1. Repeat step 1 on the normal lamp part

2. Wire the Gate-Comparison A to the Plug

3. Wire the Gate-Comparison B to the Button

4. Wire the Lamp to the Gate-Comparison Out

5. You are finished!

Finished Toggle Plug Lamp.jpg

The Finished Button Lamp


Attach the plug to the socket. Click the button. Does the light turn on? If it does, try taking off the plug, does the light turn off?

Making a 'Generator' for the plug.

NOTE! This is only useful when the lamp has its own button!


1. Repeat the steps of building the lamp frame, but dont make the Constant Value

2. Instead, replace it with a wire Button of your choise.

3. Button values: Value On: 1, Value Off: 0

4. Place the button near the socket.


1. Repeat the steps in the normal light wiring, but ignore the constant value wiring.

2. Wire the Socket A to the Button

3. You are finished!

Finished Plug Generator.jpg

The Finished generator


Attach the plug to the socket and turn the 'generator' and the lamp on. Does the lamp turn on? If it does, try shutting the power of the generator. Does the lamp turn off?


Play with the possibilities of the plug and try making crazy constraptions using it! Or maybe try making a realistic house!

You can use the Sizeable Plug/Socket to make smaller plugs for your fit.


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