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Task Name Description
TASK_RESET_ACTIVITY Forces the activity to reset.
TASK_WAIT Waits for the specified number of seconds.
TASK_ANNOUNCE_ATTACK Make announce attack sound
TASK_WAIT_FACE_ENEMY Waits for the specified number of seconds. Will constantly turn to face the enemy while waiting.
TASK_WAIT_FACE_ENEMY_RANDOM Waits up to the specified number of seconds. Will constantly turn to face the enemy while waiting.
TASK_WAIT_PVS Wait until the player enters the same PVS as this character.
TASK_SUGGEST_STATE DON'T use this it needs to go away.
TASK_TARGET_PLAYER Set m_hTargetEnt to nearest player
TASK_SCRIPT_WALK_TO_TARGET Walk to m_hTargetEnt's location
TASK_SCRIPT_RUN_TO_TARGET Run to m_hTargetEnt's location
TASK_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE_TO_TARGET Move to m_hTargetEnt's location using the activity specified by m_hCine->m_iszCustomMove.
TASK_MOVE_TO_TARGET_RANGE Move to within specified range of m_hTargetEnt
TASK_MOVE_AWAY_PATH Path that moves the character a few steps forward of where it is.
TASK_SET_GOAL Set the implied goal for TASK_GET_PATH_TO_GOAL
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_GOAL Get the path to the goal specified by TASK_SET_GOAL
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY Path to the enemy's location. Even if the enemy is unseen!
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LKP Path to the last place this character saw the enemy
TASK_GET_CHASE_PATH_TO_ENEMY Path to the enemy's location or path to a LOS with the enemy's last known position depending on range
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LKP_LOS Path to a LOS with the enemy's last known position
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_CORPSE Path to the dead enemy's carcass.
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_PLAYER Path to the player's origin
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LOS Path to node with line of sight to enemy
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_RANGE_ENEMY_LKP_LOS Path to the within shot range of last place this character saw the enemy
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_TARGET Build a path to m_hTargetEnt
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_TARGET_WEAPON Allow a little slop and allow for some Z offset (like the target is a gun on a table).
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_HINTNODE Path to nodes(m_pHintNode)
TASK_STORE_LASTPOSITION Store current position for later reference
TASK_CLEAR_LASTPOSITION Clear stored position
TASK_STORE_POSITION_IN_SAVEPOSITION Store current position for later reference
TASK_STORE_BESTSOUND_IN_SAVEPOSITION Store best sound position for later reference
TASK_STORE_ENEMY_POSITION_IN_SAVEPOSITION Store current enemy position in saveposition
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_COMMAND_GOAL Move to the goal specified by the player in command mode.
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_LASTPOSITION Path to last position (Last position must be stored with TASK_STORE_LAST_POSITION)
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_SAVEPOSITION Path to saved position (Save position must by set in code or by a task)
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_SAVEPOSITION_LOS Path to location that has line of sight to saved position (Save position must by set in code or by a task)
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_RANDOM_NODE Path to random node
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_BESTSOUND Path to source of loudest heard sound that I care about
TASK_GET_PATH_TO_BESTSCENT Path to source of the strongest scend that I care about
TASK_RUN_PATH Run the current path
TASK_WALK_PATH Walk the current path
TASK_WALK_PATH_TIMED Walk the current path for a specified number of seconds
TASK_WALK_PATH_WITHIN_DIST Walk the current path until you are x units from the goal.
TASK_WALK_PATH_FOR_UNITS Walk the current path until for x units
TASK_RUN_PATH_FLEE Run the current path until you are x units from the goal.
TASK_RUN_PATH_TIMED Run the current path for a specified number of seconds
TASK_RUN_PATH_FOR_UNITS Run the current path until for x units
TASK_RUN_PATH_WITHIN_DIST Run the current path until you are x units from the goal.
TASK_STRAFE_PATH Walk the current path sideways (must be supported by animation)
TASK_CLEAR_MOVE_WAIT Clear m_flMoveWaitFinished (timer that inhibits movement)
TASK_SMALL_FLINCH Decide on the appropriate small flinch animation and play it.
TASK_BIG_FLINCH Decide on the appropriate big flinch animation and play it.
TASK_FACE_IDEAL Turn to face ideal yaw
TASK_FACE_REASONABLE Find an interesting direction to face. Don't face into walls corners if you can help it.
TASK_FACE_PATH Turn to face the way I should walk or run
TASK_FACE_PLAYER Turn to face a player
TASK_FACE_ENEMY Turn to face the enemy
TASK_FACE_HINTNODE Turn to face nodes(m_pHintNode)
TASK_PLAY_HINT_ACTIVITY Play activity associate with the current hint
TASK_FACE_TARGET Turn to face m_hTargetEnt
TASK_FACE_LASTPOSITION Turn to face stored last position (last position must be stored first!)
TASK_FACE_SAVEPOSITION Turn to face stored save position (save position must be stored first!)
TASK_SET_IDEAL_YAW_TO_CURRENT Set the current facing to be the ideal
TASK_RANGE_ATTACK1 Attack the enemy (should be facing the enemy)
TASK_RANGE_ATTACK2 Attack the enemy (should be facing the enemy)
TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1 Attack the enemy (should be facing the enemy)
TASK_MELEE_ATTACK2 Attack the enemy (should be facing the enemy)
TASK_RELOAD Reload weapon
TASK_SPECIAL_ATTACK1 Execute special attack (user-defined)
TASK_SPECIAL_ATTACK2 Execute special attack (user-defined)
TASK_LOCK_HINTNODE Claim m_pHintNode exclusively for this NPC.
TASK_SOUND_ANGRY Emit an angry sound
TASK_SOUND_DEATH Emit a dying sound
TASK_SOUND_IDLE Emit an idle sound
TASK_SOUND_WAKE Emit a sound because you are pissed off because you just saw someone you don't like
TASK_SOUND_PAIN Emit a pain sound
TASK_SOUND_DIE Emit a death sound
TASK_SPEAK_SENTENCE Speak a sentence
TASK_WAIT_FOR_SPEAK_FINISH Wait for the current sentence I'm speaking to finish
TASK_SET_ACTIVITY Set current animation activity to the specified activity
TASK_SET_SCHEDULE Immediately change to a schedule of the specified type
TASK_SET_FAIL_SCHEDULE Set the specified schedule to execute if the current schedule fails.
TASK_SET_TOLERANCE_DISTANCE How close to route goal do I need to get
TASK_SET_ROUTE_SEARCH_TIME How many seconds should I spend search for a route
TASK_CLEAR_FAIL_SCHEDULE Return to use of default fail schedule
TASK_PLAY_SEQUENCE Play the specified animation sequence before continuing
TASK_PLAY_PRIVATE_SEQUENCE Play the specified private animation sequence before continuing
TASK_PLAY_PRIVATE_SEQUENCE_FACE_ENEMY Turn to face the enemy while playing specified animation sequence
TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_BEST_SOUND tries lateral cover first then node cover
TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_ENEMY tries lateral cover first then node cover
TASK_FIND_LATERAL_COVER_FROM_ENEMY Find a place to hide from the enemy somewhere on either side of me
TASK_FIND_BACKAWAY_FROM_SAVEPOSITION Find a place further from the saved position
TASK_FIND_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY Fine a place to hide from the enemy anywhere. Use the node system.
TASK_FIND_NEAR_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY Find a place to hide from the enemy that's within the specified distance
TASK_FIND_FAR_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY data for this one is there MINIMUM aceptable distance to the cover.
TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_ORIGIN Find a place to go that can't see to where I am now.
TASK_DIE Unhook from the AI system.
TASK_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT Wait until scripted sequence plays
TASK_PUSH_SCRIPT_ARRIVAL_ACTIVITY Play scripted sequence animation
TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT Play scripted sequence animation
TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT_POST_IDLE Play scripted sequence animation
TASK_ENABLE_SCRIPT Play scripted sequence animation
TASK_PLANT_ON_SCRIPT Play scripted sequence animation
TASK_FACE_SCRIPT Play scripted sequence animation
TASK_PLAY_SCENE Wait for scene to complete
TASK_WAIT_RANDOM Wait for 0 to specified number of seconds
TASK_WAIT_INDEFINITE Wait forever (until this schedule is interrupted)
TASK_TURN_LEFT Turn left the specified number of degrees
TASK_TURN_RIGHT Turn right the specified number of degrees
TASK_REMEMBER Remember the specified piece of data
TASK_FORGET Forget the specified piece of data
TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT Wait until current movement is complete.
TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT_STEP Wait until a single-step movement is complete.
TASK_WAIT_UNTIL_NO_DANGER_SOUND Wait until I can't hear any danger sound.
TASK_WEAPON_FIND Pick up new weapons
TASK_WEAPON_PICKUP Pick up new weapons
TASK_WEAPON_RUN_PATH run to weapon but break if someone else picks it up
TASK_USE_SMALL_HULL Use small hull for tight navigation
TASK_FALL_TO_GROUND wait until you are on ground
TASK_WANDER Wander for a specfied amound of time
TASK_GATHER_CONDITIONS regather conditions at the start of a schedule (all conditions are cleared between schedules)
TASK_IGNORE_OLD_ENEMIES Require an enemy be seen after the task is run to be considered a candidate enemy
TASK_ADD_HEALTH Add a specified amount of health to this NPC

Additional Notes

See Also

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