Getting Wine and GMod to work

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This tutorial will help Linux users run GMod10 under wine.


Getting Started

This tutorial will be written for Gentoo users, but other distributions will be added soon. For this to work, there are a few things we must do. First, we must make sure that your video card will be used and not software emulation. Start up X and type in the console `glxinfo | grep OpenGL` then look for OpenGL renderer string. For this to work, it must say the model of your graphics card, or something similar. If it says 'OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect', then you have a problem. You must install x11-dri, which is a huge task. I got it working, but it took a little trial-and-error. That is not within the context of this tutorial, so google something like 'opengl direct hardware rendering' with your distro name in there somewhere. Back to the other stuff. Consider yourself lucky if your graphics card is in the string. Next Step...

Installing Wine

This is probably the easiest step. I assume you are using Gentoo. Make sure your packge listing in up-to-date by typing 'emerge --sync' in the console. After, type 'emerge wine'. Wait for it to finish. Phew... If you aren't using Gentoo, head over to WineHQ and install using one of the other hundred ways. Next Step. Or if your using a debian based os type 'sudo apt-get install wine'

Installing Steam and Games

Steam requires the tahoma.ttf font. It is included in the Microsoft core fonts package. Google it up. If you don't install this, all the text will not appear in Steam. Another fairly easy step. Simply 'cd' to the directory where you put the SteamInstall.msi and type 'wine msiexec /i SteamInstall.exe' in the console. Start up Steam and login. If yau can't type in the login boxes, bring them to focus by right-clicking in them then left-clicking in the boxes again. Once Steam starts up and is working, re-open Steam with the command `WINEDEBUG="fixme-all" wine Steam.exe`. This just makes Wine not do some things that aren't required and speed up the Source engine by a ton. Install the HL2, GMod 10, or other games like normal, and once they are downloaded, launch them the same way you would in Windows. They should work now. If the screen that says "Preparing to Launch" goes away, and the game doesn't start, just re-emerge Wine and it should work.


Go here for a list of bugs and fixes. There aren't any major ones, just some graphical glitches.

Anything Else

If you need help, MSN me at snoopl3s{at}hotmail{dot}com or email me at snoopl3s{at}gmail(dot)com. Have Fun!

Ubuntu Linux Walkthrough

If you're using Ubuntu, you can turn a standard server (No GUI and so on) into a working VNC-accessible server easily, and run WINE srcds.exe.

Installing X and setting up VNC

Type (Omit sudo if you're root):

sudo apt-get install xorg xorg-devel gnome gconf2 wine vncserver
Info 64.png If you're using any apt-get based OS, this should work, as will any other part of the guide. yum can be substituted for this step for CentOS etc

This will set up your server's GUI. Now to set it up, make sure ports 5900-5901 are open and type:

vncserver :1

It'll ask you for information like server passwords, etc.

vncserver -kill :1

Now we've set up a VNC config folder, let's configure it.

nano -w ~/.vnc/xstartup

Enter into it:

exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
 -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
gnome-session &

You should now be sorted. Start it up again with

vncserver :1

and login.

Installing WINE



into a terminal and watch for any messages as your config dir is created.


Everything is as it would be normally, except you use hldsupdatetool instead of steam to configure your installation of the game.

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