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![]() | This page has been nominated for deletion. Deletion is due within approximately 30 days from nomination, unless the deletion has been disputed on the talk page. See more pages nominated for deletion here. Reason for deletion: Not what Garry wants the wiki to be used for Last Edit was made on 11/16/2011 |
DarkRP: Console Commands |
![]() | This is the first part of my darkrp tutorials and guides |
![]() | pk owner |
![]() | November 30, 2009 |
Toggle Commands
Command | Description | rp_AdminsSpawnWithCopWeapons | Enable/disable admins spawning with cops weapons(SUPERADMIN ONLY) | rp_adminsents | Whether or not SENTs should be admin only. | rp_adminsweps | Whether or not SWEPs should be admin only. | rp_advertisements | Enable/Disable chatprint advertisements. | rp_allowedprops | Whether or not the allowed props list is active. | rp_allowrpnames | Allow Players to Set their RP names using the /rpname command. | rp_allowvehiclenocollide | Enable/disable the ability to no-collide a vehicle (for security). | rp_alltalk | Enable for global chat, disable for local chat. | rp_babygod | Enable/disable People who have just spawned, are unable to die for 10 seconds. | rp_bannedprops | Whether or not the banned props list is active. (overrides allowed props) | rp_chiefjailpos | Allow the Chief to set the jail positions. | rp_citpropertytax | Enable/disable property tax that is exclusive only for citizens. | rp_copscanunfreeze | Enable/disable the ability of cops to freeze other people's props | rp_customjobs | Enable/disable the /job command (personalized job names). | rp_customspawns | Enable/disable whether custom spawns should be used. | rp_deathblack | Whether or not a player sees black on death. | rp_dm_autokick | Enable/disable Auto-kick of deathmatchers. | rp_doorwarrants | Enable/disable Warrant requirement to enter property. | rp_dropmoneyondeath | Enable/disable whether people drop money on death. | rp_earthquakes | Enable/disable earthquakes. | rp_enablebuypistol | Turn /buy on of off. | rp_enablemayorsetsalary | Enable Mayor salary control. | rp_enableshipments | Turn /buyshipment on of off. | rp_enforcemodels | Whether or not to force players to use their role-defined character models. | rp_globaltags | Whether or not to display player info above players' heads in-game. | rp_ironshoot | Enable/disable whether people need iron sights to shoot. | rp_letters | Enable/disable letter writing / typing. | rp_license | Enable/disable People need a license to be able to pick up guns | rp_logging | Enable/disable logging everything that happens. | rp_lottery | Enable/disable creating lotteries for mayors | rp_needwantedforarrest | Enable/disable Cops can only arrest wanted people. | rp_noguns | Enabling this feature bans Guns and Gun Dealers. | rp_norespawn | Enable/Disable that people don't have to respawn when they change job. | rp_occ | Whether or not OOC tags are enabled. | rp_physgun | Enable/disable Players spawning with physguns. | rp_pocket | Enable/disable pocket swep. | rp_propertytax | Enable/disable property tax. | rp_proppaying | Whether or not players should pay for spawning props. | rp_propspawning | Enable/disable props spawning for non-admins. | rp_removeclassitems | Enable/disable shipments/microwaves/etc. removal when someone changes team. | rp_restrictallteams | Enable/disable Players can only be citizen until an admin allows them. | rp_restrictbuypistol | Enabling this feature makes /buy available only to Gun Dealers (if one or more). | rp_restrictdrop | Enable/disable restricting which weapons players can drop. | rp_showcrosshairs | Enable/disable crosshair visibility | rp_showdeaths | Display kill information in the upper right corner of everyone's screen. | rp_showjob | Whether or not to display a player's job above their head in-game. | rp_showname | Whether or not to display a player's name above their head in-game. | rp_strictsuicide | Whether or not players should spawn where they suicided | rp_telefromjail | Enable/disable teleporting from jail. | rp_teletojail | Enable/disable teleporting to jail. | rp_toolgun | Whether or not non-admin players spawn with toolguns. | rp_voiceradius | Enable/disable local voice chat. |
Value Commands
Command | Input | Description | rp_ammopistolcost | <Number> | Sets the cost of pistol ammo. | rp_ammoriflecost | <Number> | Sets the cost of rifle ammo. | rp_ammoshotguncost | <Number> | Sets the cost of shotgun ammo. | rp_arrestspeed | <Number> | Sets the max arrest speed. | rp_babygodtime | <Number> | How long the babygod lasts | rp_deathfee | <Number> | The amount of money someone drops when dead. | rp_demotetime | <Number> | Number of seconds before a player can rejoin a team after demotion from that team. | rp_dm_gracetime | <Number> | Number of seconds after killing a player that the killer will be watched for DM. | rp_dm_maxkills | <Number> | Max number of kills allowed during rp_dm_gracetime to avoid being autokicked for DM. | rp_doorcost | <Number> | Sets the cost of a door. | rp_healthcost | <Number> | Sets the cost of health. | rp_jailtimer | <Number> | Sets the jailtimer. (in seconds) | rp_lotterycommitcost | <Number> | How much you pay for entering a lottery. | rp_maxcopsalary | <Number> | Sets the max salary that the Mayor can give to a CP. | rp_maxdrugs | <Number> | Sets max drugs. | rp_maxfoods | <Number> | Sets the max food cartons per Microwave owner. | rp_maxletters | <Number> | Sets max letters. | rp_maxmayorsetsalary | <Number> | Sets the Max Salary that a Mayor can set for another player. | rp_maxnormalsalary | <Number> | Sets the max normal salary. | rp_maxvehicles | <Number> | Sets how many vehicles one can buy. | rp_microwavefoodcost | <Number> | Sets the sale price of Microwave Food. | rp_normalsalary | <Number> | Sets the starting salary for newly joined players. | rp_npckillpay | <Number> | Sets the money given for each NPC kill. | rp_paydelay | <Number> | Sets how long it takes before people get salary. | rp_pocketitems | <Number> | Sets the amount of objects the pocket can carry. | rp_printamount | <Number> | Value of the money printed by the money printer. | rp_propcost | <Number> | How much prop spawning should cost. (prop paying must be enabled for this to have an effect) | rp_quakechance_1_in | <Number> | Chance of an earthquake happening. | rp_respawntime | <Number> | Minimum amount of seconds a player has to wait before respawning. | rp_runspeed | <Number> | Sets the max running speed. | rp_searchtime | <Number> | Number of seconds for which a search warrant is valid. | rp_vehiclecost | <Number> | Sets the cost of a vehicle (To own it). | rp_walkspeed | <Number> | Sets the max walking speed. | rp_wantedtime | <Number> | Number of seconds for which a player is wanted for. |
Commands in General
Command | Description | rp_tell | rp_tell (name) (message) will display a hud-like message that they can't miss. If they're in console, if they exit console an hour later it will be there for them. (Admin+) | rp_tellall | rp_tellall (message) Displays a hud-like message to EVERYONE on the server. (including yourself) (Admin+) | /credits | Still classified as a command, gives credits to the creators / editors of previous darkrp revisions, including LightRP! Displays in everyones chat, and can only be run every 60 seconds. (Everyone is allowed to run it) |
More to come soon