Adv. Pod Facer/Turret

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3D Tracking turret

Adv. Pod Facer/Turret: 3D Tracking turret
Page white text.png Description:A Advanced Pod Face/Turret
link=User:Whitefox08 Original Author:Whitefox08
Calendar.png Created:10:13, 28 November 2008
Page white text.png Notes:-


  1. Start by getting out the Wired Facer. Choose a model by right clicking on a existing model. (Note: Will not work on ENTs and SENTs nor Rag dolls.)
  2. Spawn the Facer by left clicking. Now go to your Wire tool and as you see you have X, Y, Z and On.
  3. We will use a Advance Pod controller. Spawn a seat and spawn the Adv pod. Right click the adv pod with the Adv pod tool and right click the seat.
  4. Now get out your Wire tool and Wire the X input of the Facer to the Adv pod's X output. Do this for Y and Z.
  5. Your almost done :D>-<.
  6. Wire On Input to the Pod's Active output.
  7. Make Sure that you freeze the Facer before use.


There you have it a Pod aimed Facer. For an extra, go to the pod and wire the crosshair Input to the Pod's Active Output.

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