Category:Lua:Sample Scripts:Effects
From GMod Wiki
Effects are cool visuals that may be generated at the end of a SENT, when firing a SWEP, and/or when using a tool. Team Garry has created one very unique example, of the wheel. He made a custom material, and then used scripts to flip, rotate, and set rotation loops of this. they are generated by the wheel entities created by the wheel tool.
Effects: Wheel Indicator
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DO NOT EDIT THIS, THIS WAS FINNISHED BY TEAM GARRY, AND SURELY DOES NOT NEED EDITTING!!!!! IF YOU DECIDE TO EDIT THIS, AND YOUR GAME STARTS ACTING FUNNY, DONT SAY WE DIDN'T WARN YOU! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ EFFECT.Mat = Material( "effects/wheel_ring" ) local WheelEffects = {} /*--------------------------------------------------------- Initializes the effect. The data is a table of data which was passed from the server. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function EFFECT:Init( data ) local size = 64 self:SetCollisionBounds( Vector( -size,-size,-size ), Vector( size,size,size ) ) self:SetPos( data:GetOrigin() ) self.Wheel = data:GetEntity() if (!self.Wheel:IsValid()) then return end local oldeffect = WheelEffects[ self.Wheel:EntIndex() ] if ( oldeffect && oldeffect:IsValid() ) then oldeffect:Remove() end // This 0.01 is a hack.. to prevent the angle being weird and messing up when we change it back to a normal self:SetAngles( data:GetNormal():Angle() + Angle( 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 ) ) self:SetParent( self.Wheel ) self.Pos = data:GetOrigin() self.Normal = self.Wheel:GetPos() - self.Pos self.Alpha = 255 self.Direction = data:GetScale() self.Size = 64 self.Size = data:GetEntity():BoundingRadius() + 8 WheelEffects[ self.Wheel:EntIndex() ] = self end /*--------------------------------------------------------- THINK ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function EFFECT:Think( ) if (!self.Wheel:IsValid()) then return end local speed = FrameTime() self.Alpha = self.Alpha - speed * 100.0 if (self.Alpha < 0 ) then return false end return true end /*--------------------------------------------------------- Draw the effect ---------------------------------------------------------*/ function EFFECT:Render( ) if (!self.Wheel:IsValid()) then return end if (self.Alpha < 1 ) then return end render.SetMaterial( self.Mat ) render.DrawQuadEasy( self:GetPos(), self.Normal:GetNormalized() * self.Direction * -1, self.Size, self.Size, Color( 255, 255, 255, self.Alpha ), self.Alpha ) end
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