Car-crush tripwire
From GMod Wiki
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the name is self explanatory, this was built on gm_construct outside the large entrance to the area with the dark-room door. (Cookies taste awesome!)
The trap itself
1:Start off by spawning two cars and freezing them slightly off and away from the ground and other surfaces like in the pictures.
2:Select the slider tool and right click the sides of the cars so that they slide towards the middle of the entrance.
3:Then select the hydraulics tool and right click the same spot as the sliders with the following settings: "extend distance" around 440, "extend speed" at 1000, and lastly any numpad you wish.
1:First spawn a ranger on the inside of the entrance like shown with these settings: 575 range, and ignore world checked, and output distance checked. {and if its for players uncheck show beam}
2:Then spawn the comparison gate "in range {EXCLUSIVE}" somewhere near the ranger, make sure its exclusive and not commonly mistaken for inexclusive.
3:Select the wired button tool set it to toggle and spawn two next to the in range gate, one set to zero one set to 575.
4:Select the wired output tool and make two both set to the numpad you chose for the trap's hydraulics then make a delay gate and a toggle button set to one.
1:Left click the in range gate then the ranger
2:Right click the in range gate until it says min then left click it and the 0 button
3:Right click the in range gate until it says max then left click it and the 575 button
4:Left click the first wired output then the in range chip
5:Left click the delay gate then the one button
6:Left click the second wired output then the delay gate
Use the one button to enable-disable the cars re-positioning eachother
Use the 575 button to enable-disable the whole thing
So that you can understand the wiremod better here is how it works:
When something crosses the ranger it outputs the distance, the in range chip has the two buttons setting the area of the beam that outputs one if the area is crossed, in this case the entire beam, When it does output the value one it activates the output and it emulates the button that rams the cars together, also the in range gate output it to the delay gate witch was set by the button to wait a second before it outputs one to the second input, reversing it into its ready position.
I should have thought of it but instead of the is in range gate, you could use a lesser than gate instead, and no minimum value to be neater, if you do this, make sure that A input is wired to the ranger, and input B is wired to the Button.
You could also place two indicators one set to green on 575 and put it next to the 575 button and then another for the one button, green on one, and wire the indicators to the corresponding button, and name each something like "Green = auto-ready on" or "Green = Armed!" this would make it alot more apparent whether or not it is safe to cross.