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To get started, it is very easy. First open the Q Menu and go to Options. Than click Admin Menu: --

The Stranded Menu
The main Stranded menu.

-- Once you click Admin Menu, a box should pop up: --

Stranded admin menu
The admin menu.

Where your crosshair is pointing at, you can set these options for. Lets start with Populating area. As far as I know Populating Tree's could get a little glitchy at times, and only spawn one tree. Populating rocks seems to work ok, but rocks arnt that random and is usually the big rock.

Now lets get into Set Convar. Basically with Set Convar is, limits on things, such as max plants, max props, but they do not work at times.

Saving and Loading does not work for some reason, when you try to load, it just stays at "<select>", you cant change it at all.

Making Antlion Barrows are usually used only during a event. The preferred max is 5-20

Spawn, Trees, Rocks, Plants, and Food, are all there but sometimes could be stuck into the ground.

Save All Char's is saving everyone's data to the data folder in your server.

The Special Admin Command: To make a recourse box, you type in the chat: !adrop [recourse name] [amount] it will appear where your crosshair is.

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