From GMod Wiki
Function | |
Syntax |
util.Decal( String Decal Name, Vector Position 1, Vector Position 2 ) Where is this used? |
Description: | |
Paints a decal. | |
Returns: | nil |
Part of Library: | Util |
Realm: |
![]() |
BBCode Link: | [b][url=http://wiki.garrysmod.com/?title=Util.Decal]Util.Decal [img]http://wiki.garrysmod.com/favicon.ico[/img][/url][/b] |
Additional Notes
- This requires two positions, the position of the world/ragdoll wall with the normal of that world/ragdoll added, and the same position with the normal subtracted.
- Decals are defined here(Source Code). Simply add your own txt files following the same format to create more usable decals.
- Here's a list of all the decal names that should be possible to use by default.
"Antlion.Splat" "BeerSplash" "BirdPoop" "Blood" "BulletProof" "Cross" "Dark" "ExplosiveGunshot" "Eye" "FadingScorch" "GlassBreak" "Impact.Antlion" "Impact.BloodyFlesh" "Impact.Concrete" "Impact.Glass" "Impact.Metal" "Impact.Sand" "Impact.Wood" "Light" "ManhackCut" "Nought" "Noughtsncrosses" "PaintSplatBlue" "PaintSplatGreen" "PaintSplatPink" "Scorch" "SmallScorch" "Smile" "Splash.Large" "YellowBlood"